Here are some of my random thoughts/activities of my life the past while. Take them for what it's worth...
* I have the weirdest memory ever. I can remember a commercial, song lyrics, and dances from 12 years ago but I can't remember a conversation I had yesterday. Or what I ate for dinner last night. It can be quite frustrating and the cause for humor at times. Mostly I try for the latter.
* Fez and I have been watching LOST. I have seen up through season 4 but didn't watch a single episode of season 5. Naturally I can't watch season 6 until I do. So we've been watching them every chance we get. Season 2 is about to end which means it's going to start getting really weird. I LOVE IT.
* I love treats. I have been wanting to make cupcakes or cookies for about a week and a half now. But my hubby isn't a sweets person. This means I would eat them all. No bueno. Maybe I could wrap some up cute and take them to a neighbor...
* I am grateful for my job. Some days it's kinda boring, but others I enjoy it. I am still working on making a true identity for my position and have a lot of ideas that I really want to implement but don't think the big bosses take me seriously. Guess I'll just have to show them what I'm made of.
* I love random adventures. Going sledding at 8:00 at night, ice cream shake runs at 11, whatever it might be. I wish I did them more.
* I've thought a lot about making the simple things in life really stand out and enjoying every minute. It seems so simple but yet is so hard. I can be such a worry wart (especially about finances) but have really made an effort lately to relax and go with the flow. I am liking the results so far and hope it continues.
* My family is amazing. We are built on such a rock of solid love and complete devotion and support for each other. That has really been proven the past week and I am overcome with emotion each time I think about it. I am TRULY blessed.
* I am so out of shape. I clog every Wednesday for 2 hours and dance one Saturday a month for 8 hours but I am exhausted and my body and feet hurt for about 2 days every time. I have old running shoes that hurt my knees when I use them so I can't run to help my endurance. I am going to have to pop in a work out DVD because that's about the only exercise that will keep my motivated to do it. And next week I am going to a Zumba class. No battle.
That's about it for now. There are more things and I could elaborate on each of these forever but you don't want to read it nor do I want to write it.
One thing for sure is life is interesting. But life is good.